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Jesse Goslen is a successful small business owner led to serve his community

Jesse's Five Cornerstones


Safeguard Our Children's Futures

  • Defend climate change policies that address the overall health of the planet

  • Claim LEANDRO money and fully fund public schools

  • Eliminate vouchers and raise teachers’ pay

Equitable Justice

  • Everyone gets a fair hearing

  • No one is above the law

  • Reduce crime: prepare released prisoners for successful reentry into society

Equitable Prosperity

  • Promote profit AND protect people with smart business regulation

  • Broadband everywhere!

  • Ensure counties have adequate water / other infrastructure for future growth

  • Create new jobs with the Green Economy

Secure Our Democracy

  • Make it easy for every citizen to vote

  • Promote election integrity

  • Keep government honest and open

  • End gerrymandering and other political games
    - Permanent one-party rule by ANY party is un-American!

Guarantee Healthcare

  • Every citizen has ready access to affordable healthcare

  • Find a solution to our “healthcare deserts

  • Champion women’s reproductive rights and protections

  • Safer nursing and rest homes

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